
Health And Fitness Tips: Supplements And Vitamins For Active Seniors

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If the past two years of living with an ongoing pandemic have shown us anything, it’s that our health is the most important and precious thing. Even if you have all the money in the world and all the acclaim, you can’t fully enjoy life without your health. The older you get, the more you have to live for, be it seeing your children and grandchildren getting married, going to college, playing professional football, or experiencing major markers of adulthood that you would like to try and see for yourself. Being a senior doesn’t mean that you automatically slow down. There are many ways to help you keep your body up and running. Here are a few health and fitness tips to keep you in shape.  

Vitamin D

While you can imbibe vitamin D supplements on the side, it’s not the same as getting it the good, old-fashioned way, simply going outside and taking a walk in the sun. Of course, always use sunscreen, but that will still allow you to get plenty of much-needed vitamin D without any trouble at all. Ask your doctor about the kind of lifestyle choices you need to make or modify, but in general, always try to get as much exercise as possible outdoors. It’s not only good for your physical health but an adequate dose of vitamin D is also bound to enhance your mood and stave off feelings of depression.

B Vitamins

B vitamins include a whole host of nutrients your body needs to keep your joints nimble, your brain ready and able, and your eyesight at optimum levels. As we age, our body becomes less efficient at absorbing B12 and B6, some of the most important and essential nutrients out there. There are different kinds you can research through this link to find the ones that best fit your needs, but in general, it is important to remember that getting your levels of B vitamins in good shape is crucial to maintaining good health. You should also make sure that your diet is full of healthy food such as eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, meat, and poultry – check in with your primary care physician to ensure that you are following a diet suitable for your current physical condition.


Calcium is another big one for active seniors, one whose lack can have many negative drawbacks. For one, calcium is one of the few vitamins that can actively ward off brittle bones or bone diseases such as osteoporosis, which women are especially prone to. Of course, drinking milk is one great way of ensuring that your body is given the calcium it needs to survive, but you should also talk to your doctor about other ways of incorporating this nutrient into your regular diet. Some multivitamins tailormade for seniors will have enough levels to keep you healthy, while others will leave plenty to be desired. Advice from a medical professional should help you weed out the duds fairly easily.

We need different kinds of vitamins and nutrients as we get older to care for our health. The body ceases to produce the things we need at a certain point, but luckily, we can make up for that lack through a healthy diet and taking certain supplements. Just be sure to check in with your doctor first to find out the best supplements for you.




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