
Older Women’s Network Theatre Group

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 –Entertaining, Inspiring, Funny

The Older Women’s Network (OWN) Theatre Group currently has three funny and inspiring shows. They regularly perform to community groups through to national audiences such as those at the National Folk Festival held in Canberra over Easter. All shows are topical and relevant to older women. Most men in the audiences recognise that the issues also affect them.

At the last National Folk Festival they performed ‘Ma’, a humorous but informative take on the possibilities and possible pitfalls for older women who may be contemplating or needing a change of housing. Housing is a huge issue for many of us, particularly in expensive capital cities. For many people, the terrifying possibility of becoming homeless is all too real.

A wide range of issues are covered in the upbeat ‘Cabaret’. A variety of songs, skits, puppets and humour engage the audience who often sing along towards the end.

Domestic violence and elder abuse unfortunately are important issues. They are addressed in ‘Don’t Knock Your Granny’. These strong themes are treated in a thought-provoking yet entertaining way.

The enthusiastic cast of the OWN Theatre Group are all volunteers and undertake many roles for each production. The directors of the shows come from the group as do the writers. The shows contain original material and draw from a wide range of sources including social research, news, government policy and personal experience. All members take the opportunity “to have their say”, to have their opinions heard, for indeed “we are all feisty women”!

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Older Women’s Network Theatre Group

8 – 10 Victoria Street

Newtown  NSW  2042

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