
Raspberry and White Chocolate Tifle

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20 small store-bought sponge fingers
½ cup (125ml) orange-flavoured liqueur
250g fresh raspberries, to serve

raspberry jelly

2 tablespoons gelatine powder
5 litres cranberry juice
1 cup (220g) caster (superfine) sugar
500g frozen raspberries

white chocolate ganache

180g white chocolate, finely chopped
1 cup (250ml) single (pouring) cream

mascarpone cream

½ cup (140g) mascarpone
½ cup (80g) icing (confectioner’s) sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1½ cups (375ml) single (pouring) cream
To make the jelly, place the gelatine and ½ cup (125ml) of the cranberry juice in a bowl and stir to combine. Set aside for 5 minutes or until the gelatine is absorbed. Place the remaining juice and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat, add the gelatine mixture and stir to combine. Set aside to cool for 20 minutes. Pour the jelly mixture into the base of a 4-litre-capacity glass dish and top with the frozen berries. Refrigerate for 4–5 hours or overnight until set.
To make the ganache, place the chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat and stir frequently until melted and smooth. Remove from the heat and add ¼ cup (60ml) of the cream in a thin, steady stream, stirring constantly until well combined. Pour the mixture into a bowl and refrigerate until just cold. Whisk the remaining cream until stiff peaks form, add the cooled chocolate mixture and fold through to combine. To assemble, spoon the ganache over the jelly and smooth with a palette knife. Dip the sponge fingers in the orange-flavoured liqueur and layer over the ganache. To make the mascarpone cream, place the mascarpone, sugar, vanilla and cream in a large bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Spoon the cream over the sponge fingers and top with the fresh raspberries to serve. Serves 6–8.

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